M/E MAN ES oil filtration standards ISO 4406 Vs ISO 4407


Can someone explain the difference(s) between ISO4406 and ISO4407?
Which standard should be followed for M/E system oil filtration in electronically controlled (ME) Main Engines?

Hello @Raj.Raganathan

ISO4406 is the referenced standard by MAN. It describes how to quantify the oil cleanliness through a code that describes particle concentration per particle size.
ISO4407 and ISO11500 describe the method with which particles are counted.

Below paper is an interesting read.


This filtration handbook is the general rule to follow for the cleanliness level of ME-B/C engines.
Please note that the acceptable by the maker method to examine the oil samples, is through a microscope.
Meaning that if the oil has a darker coloration (dark brown or black) the same should be filtered in order the particles to be visible.
Unfortunately, in such cases the filter will retain some of the particles, altering the results.