EEDI as EEXI Technical File

Hello Queseans,

Few questions pertaining to upcoming EEXI implementation:

i) Can the EEDI file used as EEXI technical file? If so, is there any additional requirement for any documentation which needs to be submitted?
ii) Are the classification societies issuing any statement of compliance, for the ships where the attained EEDI is less than the required EEXI?


Hi @AndreasTravlos

For verification of the attained EEXI, an application for a survey and an EEXI Technical File containing the necessary information for the verification and other relevant background documents should be submitted to a verifier unless the attained EEDI of the ship satisfies the required EEXI.

Suppose the attained EEDI satisfies the required EEXI. In that case, the IEE Certificate may not be accompanied by the EEXI technical file as the attained EEDI is used as an alternative to the attained EEXI.

Some verifiers state that the attained EEDI satisfies the required EEXI to support the process. Others don’t issue any such statement. Thus, it is recommended to contact the verifiers to get informed of their procedures.

Finally, the International Energy Efficiency (IEE) Certificate will reflect the above as the ship’s attained EEXI ≡ attained EEDI will be indicated. In addition, there will be a checkbox for the EEDI used as an alternative.